Without economic planning a country is planning for failure. The importance of
institutionalizing planning at every level can not be over emphasized. Planning is defamed as
the formulation and articulation of economic policies that would help the effective
allocation of resources to all the sectors of the economy over a period of time. in this chapter,
we shall discuss current economic plans like the National Economic Empowerment and
Development Strategy (NEEDS), Vision 2020 and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS)
NEEDS is Nigeria’s home grown Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP). NEEDS is a medium-term strategy paper (2003—2007), but which derives from the country’s long-term goal of poverty reduction, wealth creation, employment generation and value re-orientation. NEEDS is a nationally coordinated framework of action in close collaboration with the state and local governments (with their State Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy, SEEDS) and other stakeholders, in order to make Nigeria achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The previous rolling plan concentrated on ill-articulated large portfolio of projects, which is contrary to NEEDS. Funds for investment came from federal and state governments as well as private sectors.
In comparison with some of the previous/earlier plans, NEEDS is different in the sense that, all Nigerians and stakeholders are given a chance to contribute to the plan that affect their lives. It is also the first time both Federal Government and state governments under NEEDS and SEEDS respectively are coordinating a planning framework with agreed common priority to agriculture, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), infrastructure, etc. NEEDS shows that federal and state government must work together for the advancement or development of Nigeria’s economy.
National Economic Empowerment Development Strategy: Objectives and Priorities
The National Economic Empowerment Development Strategy (NEEDS) is derived from the urgent requirement for value re-orientation. Therefore, the bedrock of NEEDS is its vision of a Nigeria with a new set of values and principles, which will facilitate the achievements of national goals of wealth creation, employment generation and poverty reduction.
Since the achievement of these national goals depends on a sound economic framework, NEEDS has fashioned a reform agenda with emphasis on strengthening the economic environment, and strengthening the growth agents within the system.
The specific reform programmes in NEEDS include:• public sector reforms
• privatization and liberalization
• good governance
• transparency and anti-corruption; as well as service delivery by government agencies.
NEEDS also specifies private sector reforms which will address issues such as security and rule of law; infrastructure; finance; sectoral strategies; privatization and liberalization; and trade and regional integration.
It also entails a Human Development Agenda or Social Charter, which will focus on
health, education, integrated rural development, housing development, employment and youth development, safety nets, as well as geopolitical balance.
Finally, NEEDS specifies its financial and plan implementation strategies. Of course, whatever funds are spent on this performance would be money well spent. Though, NEEDS is a medium-term economic reform programme, its formulation has been made consistent with both short-term realities and long-term imperatives, that derive from the country’s long-term goals of poverty reduction, wealth creation, employment generation and value reorientation.
NEEDS is becoming a platform for both the federal and state governments to cooperate more closely. The federal government under NEEDS, and the state government under NEEDS, will coordinate a planning framework, with agreed common priorities in agriculture, public finance and public sector forms, with emphasis on the social sector.
NEEDS is therefore fashioning for Nigeria, a common ground for all economic agents
to interplay, in a healthy and sustainable manner. The objectives are mainly threefold:
• poverty reduction
• employment generation
• wealth creation
NEEDS’ intermediate Goals
The immediate goals of NEEDS is to redefine the role of government in the economy, by emphasizing the participation of government in the running of businesses. This is in line with the global view that government has no business running. It is the responsibility of government to create an enabling or conducive environment for the private sector to thrive, through legislation, tax regimes and other incentives.
There is synergy as well as coherence between federal and state reforms, for the first time, in a very long time. This has ensured purposefulness, focus and objectivity. The trend today is a far cry from past experience, by these two levels of government, which had sometimes worked at cross-purposes.
The commitment of government to undertake fundamental reforms, and see them through, has left nobody in doubt. The reforms are based on selected programmers. The question of biting more than can chewed, with all the attendant problems, is therefore, avoided. The phased programme of the reforms ensures that the shock to the system is not massive at any given point.
Vision 20:20 is an articulation of the long-term intent to launch Nigeria back to the path of sustained social and economic progress and accelerate the emergence of a truly prosperous and united Nigeria. Recognising the enormous human and natural endowments of the nation, the blueprint is an expression of Nigeria’s intent to improve the living standards of her citizens and place the country among the Top 20 economies in the world with a minimum GDP of $900 billion and a per capita income of no less than $4000 per aimunt
Nigeria’s targets for 2020 are based on a dynamic comparative analysis of the country’s potential growth rate and economic structure via-a-vis those of other Top 40 economies in the world. This implies that the Nigerian economy must grow at an average of 13.8% during the time horizon, driven by the agricultural and industrial sectors over the medium term while a transition to a service-based economy is envisaged from 2018.
Fundamental to the vision are two broad objectives — optimizing human and natural resources to achieve rapid economic growth, and translating that growth into equitable social development for all citizens. These aspirations are defined across four dimensions:
Fundamental to the vision are two broad objectives — optimizing human and natural resources to achieve rapid economic growth, and translating that growth into equitable social development for all citizens. These aspirations are defined across four dimensions:
(1) Social Dimensions:A peaceful, equitable, harmonious adjust society, where every citizen has a strong sense of national identity and citizens are supported by an educational and healthcare system that caters for all, and sustains a life expectancy of not less than 70 years.
(ii) Economic Dimension: A globally competitive economy that is resilent and diversified with a globally competitive manufacturing sector that is tightly integrated
and contributes no less than 25% to Gross Domestic Product.
(‘iii,) Institutional Dimension: A stable and functional democracy where t:he rights of the citizens to determine their leaders are guaranteed, and adequate infrastructure exists to
support a market-friendly and globally competitive business environment.
(iv) Environmental Dimension: A level of environmental consciousness that enables arid supports sustainable management of the nation’s God-given natural endowments to ensure their preservation for the benefit of present and future generations.Why Vision 20:20?
The need for a holistic transformation of the Nigerian state has assumed an urgent and critical dimension in the course of the last two decades. Notable is the increasing relevance of Nigeria as a leading emerging market albeit with under-utilsed potential. With the return to democratic rule in 1999, and the gradual re-building of civil institutions and a vibrant market economy, the feasibility of Nigeria assuming a key position as a global economic power and a catalytic hub for development in Africa has become more profound. Using an all-inclusive consultative process involving over 1000 of the nation’s leading professionals and thinkers, Vision 20:2020 is an authentic blueprint by the Nigerian people to set for themselves a stretch target to transform the lives of the average Nigerian, and by implication the Nigerian economy.
The economic transformation strategy for Nigeria is anchored upon three thrust:
1. Creating the platform for success by urgently and immediately addressing the most debilitating constraints to Nigeria’s growth and competitiveness;
2. Forging ahead with diligence and focus in developing the fabric of the envisioned economy by;
(a) Aggressively pursuing a structural transformation from a mono-product economy to a diversified, industrialized economy;
(b) Investing to transform the Nigerian people into catalysts for growth and national renewal, and a lasting source of comparative advantage; and
(c) Investing to create an environment that enables the co-existence of growth and development on an enduring and sustainable basis.
3. Developing and deepening the capability of government to consistently translate national strategic intent into action and results by instituting evidence-based decision
making in Nigeria’s public policy space.